Travel pictures of Western Region in Nepal
Western Region

Travel Pictures Western Region

Travel Pictures of Western Region

Weather in Western Region:
22 °C | 71.6 °F

Travel Pictures of Western Region, Nepal

Nepalese woman in the monastary., Annapurna Nepal
A Nepalese mother and her son, Anapurna., Annapurna Nepal
The amazing peeks of the Himalaya, Nepal., Annapurna Nepal
Photos of Swayambhunath Monkey Temple of Katmundu, Kathmandu Nepal
Buddha's Eyes in Katmundu, Myanmar, Kathmandu Nepal

Photos of Western Region:

The Stupa of Katmundu, Myanmar, Kathmandu Nepal Pictures of Swayambhunath Monkey Temple of Katmundu, Kathmandu Nepal Pictures of the Monkey Temple in Katmundu, Myanmar, Kathmandu Nepal Photos of Katmundu, Myanmar, Kathmandu Nepal Photos of the Swayambhunath Stupa in Katmundu, Myanmar, Kathmandu Nepal Pictures of the Swayambhunath Stupa in Katmundu, Myanmar, Kathmandu Nepal Swayambhunath Stupa in Katmundu, Myanmar, Kathmandu Nepal Photos inside the Swayambhunath Monastery in Katmundu, Myanmar, Kathmandu Nepal Photos of the Monkey Temple in Katmundu, Myanmar, Kathmandu Nepal Buddhist shrine in Katmunda, Myanmar, Kathmandu Nepal   Annapurna Nepal Album Photographs