Pictures Slideshow Backpacking and Hitchhiking in Cuba Havana

Pictures slideshow Havana, Cuba

The typical Cuban coco taxi., Havana Cuba
The streets of Santiago, Cuba., Havana Cuba
Taking a busride in Havana, Cuba., Havana Cuba
La Bodeguita del Medio, in Havana., Havana Cuba
Our Cuban taxi driver., Havana Cuba

The typical Cuban coco taxi.

The typical Cuban coco taxi., Havana Cuba

The typical Cuban coco taxi., Havana Cuba

The streets of Santiago, Cuba.

The streets of Santiago, Cuba., Havana Cuba

The streets of Santiago, Cuba., Havana Cuba

Taking a busride in Havana, Cuba.

Taking a busride in Havana, Cuba., Havana Cuba

Taking a busride in Havana, Cuba., Havana Cuba

La Bodeguita del Medio, in Havana.

La Bodeguita del Medio, in Havana., Havana Cuba

La Bodeguita del Medio, in Havana., Havana Cuba

Our Cuban taxi driver.

Our Cuban taxi driver., Havana Cuba

Our Cuban taxi driver., Havana Cuba

Fresh drinks in Cienfuegos, Cuba.

Fresh drinks in Cienfuegos, Cuba., Havana Cuba

Fresh drinks in Cienfuegos, Cuba., Havana Cuba

The statue and the tombe of Che Guevara in Santa Clara, Cuba.

The statue and the tombe of Che Guevara in Santa Clara, Cuba., Havana Cuba

The statue and the tombe of Che Guevara in Santa Clara, Cuba., Havana Cuba

Graffitti of Ernesto Che Guevara, the legend of Cuba.

Graffitti of Ernesto Che Guevara, the legend of Cuba., Havana Cuba

Graffitti of Ernesto Che Guevara, the legend of Cuba., Havana Cuba

Panoramic streetview of Santiago.

Panoramic streetview of Santiago., Havana Cuba

Panoramic streetview of Santiago., Havana Cuba