Australia is a country located in Oceania. Australia's capital is Canberra and the currency is the Australian dollar.
During the three days we spent in Hobart our stay at Hotel Grand Chancellor Hobart was perfect. The hotel is located at the waterfront right in the heart of Hobart.
This means getting to the city center during the day, maybe to visit the Salamanca markets on Saturday morning or to grab something to eat at one of the waterfront restaurants becomes really easy.
We did everything by foot and eventhough Hobart isn't that big it was quite comfortable to stay at the Grand Chancellor Hobart Hotel.
You can walk to the waterfront to try the real Tassie fish and chips...
Sydney must be the most impressive and beautiful city in the world and it defintely has the best of a lot of worlds. From the beach to the buzzling nightlife, the great shopping and fine restaurants, there's just so much to see!
After an endless flight we had finally arrived in Australia and eventhough we were so tired we couldn't wait to see all that Sydney had to offer.
We had arrived in Cairns from Miami Florida. I must say the climate is very similar to Miami.
The town is small and relys on tourism as the base of the city's economy. Our main focus was to visit the Great Barrier Reef and the Daintree Rainforest and cape tribulation.
The reef was everything we had hoped for, it helped that we had a great dive instructor to educate us on...
The road trip from Cairns up to Cape York, the northernmost tip of Australia, is probably one of the most challenging tours but without a doubt a travel experience you will never forget!
With three good friends I planned a roadtrip up and camping tour from Cairns, in Queensland, to the tip of the Cape York Peninsula.
Before hidding the thick jungle forests we passed...
Darwin is one of the less travelled capital cities of Australia but a favourite with adventure seekers and wildlife lovers.
Everybody who has a passion for Australian wildlife will come to Darwin to see the saltwater crocodiles in real life and maybe even get one to jump out of the water in front of their camera.
To make this happen we booked a Jumping Croc Cruise...